The Vaccine Working Group is a collaboration between St. Jude and SIOP.
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In less than one year since the announcement of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, hundreds of vaccines have been developed, several of them reaching approval and usage around the world, including U.S. FDA emergency use authorization of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine for those age 12 and older.
The similarity of these vaccines is to produce antibodies to protect against COVID-19 infection, but each of these vaccines have different designs, compositions, number of doses, time intervals between dose administration, and efficacy.
An avalanche of information has been generated surrounding these vaccines. And to make it more challenging, a horde of misinformation disseminated with similar speed. Therefore, it is natural that caregivers and health care providers face the difficult task to make the decision whether or not to vaccinate these at-risk children.
The COVID-19 Vaccine Working Group on Pediatric Oncology convened in early March 2021 to answer vaccine questions. Members are a multidisciplinary group of oncologists, infectious disease physicians and nurses representing all major regions of the world and several countries.
The COVID-19 Vaccine Working Group on Pediatric Oncology is led by Dr. Miguela A. Caniza (Pediatric Infectious Disease Specialist, St. Jude), Dr. Jessica Bate (Pediatric Oncologist, University Hospital Southampton, United Kingdom) and Maysam R. Homsi (Project Coordinator, St. Jude). Consultants to the working group are Dr. Kenneth Alexander (Vaccinologist and Pediatric Infectious Disease Specialist, Nemours Children’s Hospital, Orlando, Florida), Dr. Sheena Mukkada (Pediatric Infectious Disease Specialist, St. Jude) and Dr. Robert Phillips (Pediatric Oncologist, Senior Clinical Academic and NIHR Post-Doctoral Fellow Honorary Consultant in Paediatric Oncology, CRD, University of York, York, United Kingdom).
The COVID-19 Vaccine Parent/Carer Advisory Group is made up of individuals who represent cancer patients and their families from around the world. Their questions and concerns about vaccines are addressed by the working group below.